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Posted By Admin on 05/22/20

A dominant woman can yield many things but right at the top of that list would be control and desire. Women always like to be in control, they like to know that every situation no matter how bizarre they could use it to their own advantage without a hassle at all.

Let me ask you this when you look into a women’s eyes what is it that you usually see? I see a girl that has the passion and the desire to have anything that she wants in the world and no matter what it takes she will get it. Could a woman force you to enjoy the delights that a male chastity Lifestyle brings? of course, she could and believe it or not but many men are already making this their lifestyle.

Men like to think they make all the decisions. I don’t need to tell you this but I think we all know this isn’t exactly the case. Women might let you think that you have control over many things but in reality how many men make serious decisions for themselves? the answer is not many at all.

Times are certainly changing and while not all of them might be for the best we really don’t have a say in the matter. We’re just expected to sit back and let them enjoy the control that they have and don’t you dare utter a word. This might not be the way that you intended to go but it might be best if you accept this direction and just go with it.

Blogged Under: Dating
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